Wednesday, April 22, 2015

In general, vitamins are divided into two classes, fat soluble and water soluble. #NYDailyNews #AskDrNigma

Vitamins A, D, E and K fall into the first group, which means they can be stored in the body. Taking high doses of these vitamins -- especially vitamin A -- over a long period of time can result in toxic levels in the body, which can lead to drowsiness, vomiting, impaired eyesight, muscle and bone pain, hair loss and liver damage.
Some water soluble vitamins, including vitamins B and C, can also cause adverse effects in excess. Vitamin B6, for example, has been linked to nerve damage at high doses. Remember this the next time you walk through the vitamin aisle.
If you are planning on taking high-dose vitamins, you should not do so without consulting your physician, to be aware of potential side effects or interactions. #HealthyDoc

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